Dhamma support
With the advent of modern technology we are able to offer live Dhamma Talks from our meditation hall here in our village in France, via video calls.
Our intention here is to make Dhamma available to all, to share the love and wisdom that is Dhamma, so that all beings may benefit.
We are happy to propose many opportunities to share Dhamma together, on this page we present personal Dhamma life support.
Dhamma support is a twenty first century version of the traditional private interview with the Master.
Through the modern technology, Michael offers Dhamma training and instruction as it applies to your immediate life and will look at any and all aspects of that. There are teachings in meditation and life skills as they are neccessary,
and as they are understood in the Pure Dhamma tradition.
Here there is no religion, no psychology, and no blind faith or belief, only Dhamma training offered for you to accept or reject as you like.
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