Michael Kewley, Dhammachariya Pannadipa

Michael Kewley is the former Buddhist monk Paññadipa, who now as a layman, is an internationally acclaimed Master of Dhamma, presenting courses and meditation retreats throughout the world. For many years he was the guiding teacher
at the International Meditation Centre, Budh Gaya, India and is the founder of the Pure Dhamma tradition of spiritual awakening.
A disciple of the late Sayadaw Rewata Dhamma, he teaches solely on the instruction of his own Master; to share the Dhamma, in the spirit of the Buddha, so that all beings might benefit.
He began his Dhamma life at the age of eighteen with Transcendental Meditation, before studying in both the Rinzai and Soto schools of Zen.
In his mid twenties he first met Sayadaw Rewata Dhamma and recounts fondly that on the very first meeting he knew he had found his Master when he was told quite simply, ‘if you want to be happy in your life, you have to cultivate a
loving heart.
This simple instruction has become the standard by which he teaches now, and Michael was affectionately known in Budh Gaya, India as, ‘the Guru with the loving heart.’
On 26th May 2002, during a special ceremony at the Dhamma Talaka Temple in England, he was awarded the title Dhammachariya, meaning Master.
A full account of the Dhamma life and consequent Awakening of Michael can be found in his autobiography, A journey to Awakening, published by Panna Dipa Books.

Michael Kewley, Dhammachariya Pannadipa

Michael Kewley is the former Buddhist monk Paññadipa, who now as a layman, is an internationally acclaimed Master of Dhamma, presenting courses and meditation retreats throughout the world. For many years he was the guiding teacher
at the International Meditation Centre, Budh Gaya, India and is the founder of the Pure Dhamma tradition of spiritual awakening.
A disciple of the late Sayadaw Rewata Dhamma, he teaches solely on the instruction of his own Master; to share the Dhamma, in the spirit of the Buddha, so that all beings might benefit.
He began his Dhamma life at the age of eighteen with Transcendental Meditation, before studying in both the Rinzai and Soto schools of Zen.
In his mid twenties he first met Sayadaw Rewata Dhamma and recounts fondly that on the very first meeting he knew he had found his Master when he was told quite simply, ‘if you want to be happy in your life, you have to cultivate a
loving heart.
This simple instruction has become the standard by which he teaches now, and Michael was affectionately known in Budh Gaya, India as, ‘the Guru with the loving heart.’
On 26th May 2002, during a special ceremony at the Dhamma Talaka Temple in England, he was awarded the title Dhammachariya, meaning Master.
A full account of the Dhamma life and consequent Awakening of Michael can be found in his autobiography, A journey to Awakening, published by Panna Dipa Books.